The Community Economic Development program promotes local economic well-being and quality of life in Wisconsin communities. We work with and support community economic development practitioners and organizations, tribal and governmental entities, and business and nonprofit organizations and help gain access to the information, research, education, and technical assistance necessary to make informed decisions.
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Program Updates
Net Savings Trends and Their Impact on the U.S. Economy
From a macroeconomic perspective, the net savings rate is a critical indicator of the economic health and future growth potential of a country. First, savings provide the necessary funds for investment in capital goods, such as machinery, infrastructure, and technology.
Econ Quiz: Back to School
Get your backpacks ready, Econ Quiz readers. The school year is here, and this week’s quiz focuses on the annual back-to-school bump in retail sales. Back-to-school spending continues to grow each year. According to the National Retail Federation the average household spent $697 on back-to-school items in 2019, jumping to $849 in 2021, and $890 in 2023, for a market total of $41.5 billion in the 2023-24 school year.
Apply Now – Host 2025 Connecting Entrepreneurial Communities Conference
The Connecting Entrepreneurial Communities (CEC) conference is pleased to accept applications for 2025 host communities.
Tracking Wisconsin’s Economic Health
Constructed by the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, the state coincident index is a composite of four measures that summarizes a state’s economic condition in a single indicator. The economic measures used in constructing the index are: 1) nonfarm payroll employment; 2) average hours worked in manufacturing by production workers; 3) the unemployment rate; and 4) the sum of wage and salary disbursements and proprietors’ income adjusted for inflation.
Econ Quiz: Home Value
Spend time at any backyard cook out this summer and the conversation will eventually turn to the high cost of housing. Indeed, according to the Zillow Home Value Index, the median value for homes in Wisconsin increased by 85% over the past eight years, or 8.0% annually, moving from $167,693 in 2016 to $311,591 in June of this year. Zillow estimated home values in Dane County increased by 77% overall, or 7.4% annually, over the same period, increasing to $438,450 from $247,251.
Incentivizing Broadband Projects: Board of Commissioners of Public Lands
This webinar explores financing broadband expansion through the Board of Commissioners of Public Lands loan program, with guest speakers Richard Sneider and Monica Treptow.
Latest Work
County News
Cultivating “Homegrown” Businesses
On April 29 and 30 UW-Madison Division of Extension hosted a training program called Homegrown in Wood County. The training, held at Mid-State Technical College in Wisconsin Rapids, focused on how participants can build and sustain a thriving “entrepreneurial ecosystem” in Wood County and Central Wisconsin.
Wisconsin REV Has Launched!
Wisconsin’s Rural Entrepreneurial Venture (REV) program launched on June 3rd with its inaugural cohort diving into the first phase known as eReady. Each WI REV community’s leadership team started their journey with an orientation meeting that included their WI REV coach and eReady coach to learn about the eReady three-month process and to start reviewing the Ord, NE case study.
Entrepreneurial Communities Conferences leads by example
Wisconsin’s first Connecting Entrepreneurial Communities Conference held in Platteville on May 30 and 31 embodied the very ideas of collaboration and connection that were the focus of the event. The conference offered four different tracks of breakout sessions to appeal to both business owners and entrepreneurial support organizations. The event involved many downtown locations as well.
Wisconsin’s First Connecting Entrepreneurial Communities Conference
Between May 30-31, over two hundred rural economic developers, community leaders, and entrepreneurs descended upon Platteville, WI, a small town in southwestern Wisconsin, population of 11,840, for Wisconsin’s first Connecting Entrepreneurial Communities (CEC) Conference. Known as a conference “about small towns, for small towns,” the CEC conference offers programming, discussion, and networking for stakeholders in Wisconsin’s rural business development.
UW Extension awarded $1M to assist with siting large-scale renewable energy projects
The U.S. Department of Energy awarded UW–Madison Extension a grant for $1 million to support a coordinated, inclusive, and transparent process that engages communities in siting large-scale renewable energy projects across Wisconsin.
Rural Wisconsin Entrepreneurship Initiative Organizes First Rural Entrepreneurial Cohort
A new program within the Community Development Institute, the Rural Wisconsin Entrepreneurship Initiative (RWEI) seeks to make business development services available to rural parts of the state not easily reached by pre-existing infrastructure.
In the News
Recent Publications
Do Local Fiscal Decisions Impact Economic Growth: The Case of Wisconsin
This study revisits how local fiscal policies, specifically taxing and expenditures, affect economic growth. Using a panel (1990–2020) of Wisconsin general-purpose governments, we estimate a fixed effects variable parameter model and find that taxes have a dampening effect on the growth rate in income prior to the Great Recession but a positive effect over recent years. We also find that the impact of taxes on growth varies across community income levels. For lower income places taxes have a dampening effect on growth, but a positive effect in higher income areas. The results suggest that the impact of fiscal policies on economic growth vary over time and income levels. As such, blanket statements that high taxes harm the business climate and hence economic growth are generally not supported by the research.
Women farmers and community well-being under modeling uncertainty
We examine the association between woman farmers and community well-being using U.S. county-level data. We address modeling uncertainty around three measures of community well-being by using a spatial Bayesian model averaging approach and find that a higher share of farms operated or owned by women in a county is associated with higher rates of new business formation, longer life expectancies, and lower poverty rates. The results are consistent with a growing literature that finds women business owners approach their businesses more holistically, with positive community spillovers.
The Impact of Fiscal Rules on Local Debt: Credit Ratings, Borrowing Costs, and Debt Levels.
This timely Research Handbook explores the handling of city and municipal finances in the 21st century. It examines the impact of the Great Recession and COVID-19 pandemic on cities and municipalities, highlighting strengths, weaknesses, and avenues for future progress in city and municipal financial management.
Rural Pharmacies an Overlooked Piece of the Rural Health Care Milieu
The provision of health services in both rural and urban communities is complex and composed of many pieces. One particular part of the rural health care mix that has gathered significant attention in both the popular press and academic literature (e.g., Kaufman, 2016; Kissi, Walston, and Badar 2021) is the alarming rate of rural hospital closures. Headlines such as CNN’s July 31, 2021 story entitled “[h]ow the pandemic killed a record number of rural hospitals” or Becker’s Hospital Review February 18, 2022 story entitled “[s]taffing crisis, payment cuts put 453 hospitals at risk of closure” are increasingly common.
I will survive…but at what (opportunity) cost?: A spatial analysis of business survival and Jacobian externalities
Using insights gained from Jacobian externalities, we consider how a more diverse economic industrial base relates to business survival rates. While a low survival rate is often perceived negatively among policy-makers, evidence suggests that business exit is part of a dynamic and robust economy. The high opportunity cost of continuing with a struggling business in a more diversified economy may ultimately sway entrepreneurs with less competitive ventures to exit leading to lower survival rates. We model average 5-year survival rates at the county level annually from 1990 to 2012 employing a spatial panel Durbin specification. The data support the central hypothesis that more diversified economies increase the opportunity costs of operating an underperforming new business, thereby lowering survival rates.
Growth in Commuting Patterns and Their Impacts on Rural Workforce and Economic Development
Residential and employment locational decisions for working households are frequently commingled. Numerous economic and social factors like job accessibility, wage differentials, housing markets, travel time, trip-chaining opportunities, dual employment, and other quality-of-life considerations influence where a household ultimately chooses to reside relative to places of employment. These choices in turn shape commuting patterns within a region. Using the U.S. Census Bureau’s LEHD Origin-Destination Employment Statistics (LODES), the authors explore longitudinal changes in the growth of commuting patterns based on commuters traveling 50 miles or more between their place of residence and place of employment for counties in Midwestern states from 2002 to 2019. The authors find that the rate of commuters traveling 50 miles or more appears to have increased in rural areas across several periods and regions. Thus, rural communities concerned about labor supply constraints must take into consideration more expansive geographic labor markets and approach labor force development in partnership across local economic development institutions. In essence, the growth in commuting sheds requires stronger regional partnerships to address the issue.
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