Chequamegon Bay Regional Housing Coalition

Since 2019, Kellie Pederson, Community Development Educator in Bayfield County has provided coordination and backbone organizational support for the Chequamegon Bay Regional Housing Coalition. The Coalition is made up of municipal, tribal, and county representatives working together to collectively assess and address regional housing issues. In 2020, the Coalition began a coordinated effort of data collection and analysis, in order to make more informed decisions on regional housing needs. Phase 1 of the data collection effort included a community housing survey. The survey was developed in conjunction with the UW-River Falls Survey Center and was completed in June 2021. Fourteen municipalities contributed funds to underwrite the cost of the mailed survey that went out to 6,700 residents across Bayfield and Ashland County.

The Coalition also submitted a successful application to be named as a Pilot Community as a part of the WHEDA Rural Affordable Workforce Housing Initiative. As one of three Pilot Communities in WI, participation in the RAWHI initiative will bring additional support and resources to the region in making informed decisions and increasing equitable access to regional housing opportunities starting in January 2022.

Read the Report

For more information, please contact Kellie Pederson

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