(Image Source: Aaron Lefler / Unsplash)
Join us this webinar as we discuss the State Trust Fund Loan Program through the Board of Commissioners of Public Lands and how communities may easily access these funds for Broadband and other economic development and infrastructure projects.
As communities are prioritizing broadband projects, incentivizing projects with the most need is one way to ensure these projects will get done. The Board of Commissioners of Public Lands offers one option for communities to consider.
This webinar will share how to go through the process of applying for the State Trust Fund Loan Program and how this can benefit your community beyond the funding itself. Case studies and examples of how communities have accessed these funds will also be featured.
Thursday, August 15, 2024
12:00-1:00 PM (CST)
Our Presenters

Richard Sneider, CFA, CIPM
Chief Investment Officer,
Board of Commissioners of Public Lands
Rich Sneider is a native of Wausau, Wisconsin and earned a Master of Science degree in Finance and Real Estate at UW-Madison before starting a banking career in Chicago. Following that mistake in judgement, he moved back to Madison to start a real estate investment company focused on historic renovation. Mr. Sneider was recruited by the State of Wisconsin – Board of Commissioners of Public Lands in 2010, and has been Chief Investment Officer of the $1.4 billion Common School Fund for the past 14 years. Richard is a Charterholder in the CFA Institute and has earned the Dane County Award for Historic Preservation.

Monica Treptow
School Library Media Education Consultant, Library Services Team, Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction
Monica Treptow began work as the School Library Media Education Consultant at the DPI in July of 2017. This role includes supporting school librarians and administrators navigating library planning, Common School Funds, Intellectual Freedom, and all things connecting libraries to the wider school community! Monica’s prior experience includes twelve years as a K-12 library media specialist and district leader. She has a Master of Arts in Library and Information Science from the University of Wisconsin Madison, as well as a Master of Education from the University of Wisconsin LaCrosse. Monica believes school libraries hold critical, irreplaceable value for all students and school communities!
This webinar is co-sponsored by:

Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations are those of the presenter and do not necessarily reflect the views of the sponsors.
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For communicative accommodations based on a disability, please contact Heather Lipinski Stelljes at: heather.stelljes@wisc.edu for the public. | Para personas del público que quiera pedir adecuaciones para la comunicación debido a una discapacidad, favor de comunicarse con: heather.stelljes@wisc.edu | Rau kev sib tham pab cuam rau kev puas cev xws li tes taw, thov sau ntawv rau: heather.stelljes@wisc.edu |