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Community Economic Analysis for Rural Wisconsin Communities

Community Economic Analysis for Rural Wisconsin Communities
The Community Economic Analysis for Rural Wisconsin Communities (CEA-RWC) program equips small communities with tools to plan for a prosperous future, focusing on strengthening local economic development efforts.
About the Program
The Community Economic Analysis for Rural Wisconsin Communities (CEA-RWC) program utilizes a structured and flexible approach, fostering community leadership, identifying economic factors, exploring policy options, and developing action plans with 3-5 priorities. Throughout the process, community leaders collaborate with members and stakeholders through environmental scans, priority identification, and plan drafting.
CEA-RWC Pilot Communities
Many rural communities struggle with identifying opportunities and strategies to move community economic development efforts forward. These rural communities often do not have the needed resources (i.e., staff, money or local expertise) to engage in comprehensive community economic development planning. The Community Economic Analysis for Rural Wisconsin Communities (CEA-RWC) pilot program is a joint effort between the University of Wisconsin, the Division of Extension, and the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation to bring a structured community economic development strategic planning program to a set of rural Wisconsin communities.

Pittsville School District
Pittsville Area School District is a great place to call home with unique community and natural assets.
A leadership group of area residents established a strategic economic development plan for the area.

Gilman School District
Gilman Area School District is located in the scenic north central region of Wisconsin.
Community members across the area created a strategic economic development plan to retain and attract people to the area.

Mellen and Morse are located in Southern Ashland County near Copper Falls State Park.
These two communities joined forces to improve quality of life and place while preserving the Northwoods environment.

Lac du Flambeau
The sovereign nation of the Lac du Flambeau Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians is Vilas County.
Stakeholders from the Lac du Flambeau area identified priorities for their community and set a strategy for forward momentum.

The City of Brodhead is located primarily in Green County, with a small portion of the
community in Rock County.
Community leaders from Brodhead developed a multifaceted approach aimed at bolstering growth and prosperity.
CEA-RWC Communities
What is the CEA-RWC Pilot Initiative?
Many rural communities struggle with identifying opportunities and strategies to move community economic development efforts forward. These rural communities often do not have the needed resources (i.e., staff, money or local expertise) to engage in comprehensive community economic development planning. The Community Economic Analysis for Rural Wisconsin Communities (CEA-RWC) pilot program is a joint effort between the University of Wisconsin, the Division of Extension, and the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation to bring a structured community economic development strategic planning program to a set of rural Wisconsin communities.
When is Extension Accepting Applications?
Second round – more information coming soon.
Who can Apply?
This pilot program is open to rural places in Wisconsin including local communities, rural regions, rural counties, and tribal communities. Population size for pilot communities should fall between 1,000 and 7,500 people.
Why are Extension and WEDC Piloting this Initiative?
Extension and WEDC aim to understand the challenges for rural Wisconsin communities working on and executing community economic development plans. These efforts will provide valuable insight into establishing a process and pathway that other rural communities throughout Wisconsin can engage in as they develop and look to execute comprehensive community economic development planning in their community.
What can pilot communities expect if selected as part of this initiative?
Communities selected for participation should expect the following support and expertise from Extension and WEDC:
- organizing for community economic development by building a strong, inclusive local leadership team,
- identifying economic strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats,
- exploring a range of policy options and strategies to pursue locally,
- developing an action plan to address issues identified by the community, and
- working with partners (federal, state, local, and philanthropic organizations) to explore funding options to implement the plan.
What is expected of the pilot communities?
If chosen, pilot communities are expected to commit the following:
- helping establish a diverse and representative local leadership team,
- committing time and effort to oversee and support each step, including:
- forming a leadership group,
- reviewing data,
- identifying community economic development opportunities,
- prioritizing these opportunities,
- exploring community economic development strategies,
- communicating efforts with the broader community,
- helping write a local action plan, and
- supporting the implementation of goals and objectives identified in the action plan.

This project is supported through a grant from the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) Capacity Building Grant Program.
For more information or questions about this project or the application process, contact Brandon Hofstedt.