Rural Wisconsin Entrepreneurship Initiative

The Rural Wisconsin Entrepreneurship Initiative supports the development of rural entrepreneurial ecosystems across the state of Wisconsin.


The Rural Wisconsin Entrepreneurship Initiative (RWEI) provides education, training, research, and technical assistance to small businesses and entrepreneurs, economic development practitioners, and communities that are interested in supporting and developing entrepreneurial activity in rural Wisconsin. The RWEI is a partnership between the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Division of Extension and the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation to provide much-needed resources, support, and technical assistance to rural entrepreneurs across the state.

Upcoming Events

Platteville, WI

May 30-31, 2024

Connecting Entrepreneurial Communities Conference


A scenic view of an orange sun on the horizon behind a blue lake.


Homegrown is a training focused on building and strengthening local entrepreneurial networks. 

A path through the trees in autumn.

Cohort-Based Assistance

Cohort-based technical assistance for rural entrepreneurs in underserved places, industries, and size categories.

A snow covered tree in a snow covered field.

Maximizing Success

Maximizing Success is a professional development training for organizations that support Entrepreneurs of Color.

A peaceful view of a calm river in Wisconsin.

Wisconsin REV

Rural Entrepreneurial Venture (REV) is a proven entrepreneurial development program designed to advance small town economies .

Homegrown: Entrepreneurship in Your Community

Homegrown is a program focused on building and strengthening local entrepreneurial networks.  It is a joint effort between University of Wisconsin Extension and University of Missouri Extension. Homegrown can be tailored to community members or professionals with a shared interest in learning about entrepreneurship. Through RWEI, Extension makes the Homegrown training available to communities around Wisconsin.

Cohort-Based Assistance

We provide cohort-based technical assistance for rural entrepreneurs in underserved places, industries, and size categories. Our technical assistance focuses on idea-stage entrepreneurs, remote rural entrepreneurs, and industries that require specialized knowledge (e.g. childcare, food businesses, farm-based ventures).

Maximizing Success

Maximizing Success is a professional development training for organizations that support entrepreneurs. It aims to help organizations make their services more inclusive for Entrepreneurs of Color, as well as to attune the business community to racial justice issues. Led by the Entrepreneurs of Color Business Support team, this training is made available to rural organizations looking to enhance their service to diverse entrepreneurs.

Wisconsin Rural Entrepreneurial Venture

Rural Entrepreneurial Venture (REV) is a proven entrepreneurial development program designed to advance small town economies through a targeted business approach. Wisconsin REV is being developed in partnership with Community and Economic Development Associates (CEDA), Compeer Financial, Southern Minnesota Initiative Foundation (SMIF), and e2 Entrepreneurial Ecosystems. This effort is being funded by Compeer Financial. Launching in 2024, Wisconsin REV provides coaching, resources and connections throughout the visioning and implementation process as each community explores what economic development means for their communities.

Funding Statement

This project is being supported, in whole or in part, by federal award number SLFRP0135 awarded to the Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System on behalf of the University of Wisconsin-Madison Division of Extension via the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation and the Wisconsin Department of Administration.

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