Business Owners of Color in Wisconsin: Trends & Outcomes

In recent years Wisconsin has seen massive spikes in business ownership among nonwhite entrepreneurs yet the state continues to have an overall low number of businesses owned by people of color. These findings are among those compiled in a new report “Business Owners of Color in Wisconsin: Representation, Profitability, and Growth”. This webinar focuses on the trends and outcomes for business owners of color in Wisconsin.

Rural Pharmacies an Overlooked Piece of the Rural Health Care System

This webinar explores the pivotal role of rural pharmacies in providing vital healthcare services, especially in areas affected by hospital closures. Learn why the decline of independently owned rural pharmacies is a pressing concern, affecting medication access and downtown vitality.

Data and Community Engagement

This August 7, 2023 Lunch-n-Learn session highlighted data your community may need to collect and review for your broadband planning efforts.

Residential: Clean Energy Funding Series

On this Clean Energy Funding Webinar you will learn from our expert panel about the various paths to obtain federal funding for your home energy improvements statewide and when they might be available, state funding for energy efficiency and renewable energy that can help fund and supplement federal rebates, and about electrification options, especially heat pumps.

Organizing For Community Broadband Planning

Build a strong broadband team – learn tips and processes from Extension community building experts during this interactive workshop. This webinar provides tips, processes, and actionable steps you can take to move your community’s broadband efforts forward. You will learn and practice tools to: Develop and convene your core project team. Identify and engage community stakeholders. Draft a regional broadband vision and goals. Identify key barriers and opportunities related to “Internet for All”.

Using Labor Market Information to Address Rural Workforce Challenges

This webinar highlights several rural workforce challenges and the role that university extension can play in addressing these challenges. It also introduces the Future Opportunities for Rural Workforce and Rural Development (FORWARD) curriculum designed by the North Central Regional Center for Rural Development (NCRCRD) at Purdue University and the Association of Public and Land Grant Universities (APLU)—a curriculum intended to support extension professionals in their efforts address some of these rural workforce challenges. The webinar gives particular focus on how labor market information (LMI) and other types of socio-economic data can be more effectively woven into rural workforce planning efforts.

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