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What’s Next in Wisconsin Broadband, September 2024

This is an exciting time for broadband and digital equity. This fall will see the announcement of grant recipients under the Public Service Commission Capital Projects Fund Digital Connectivity & Navigators Program. Two major components of that grant are device distribution and digital navigation services. Internet-enabled devices will be distributed to thousands of Wisconsin households who currently lack them. Secondly, digital navigators (trusted guides who assist community members with ongoing, individualized support for accessing affordable and appropriate connectivity, devices, and digital skills) will be made available for the purpose of assisting both those who currently lack digital skill and for those who wish to upgrade their skills.

We encourage you to sign up for the Wisconsin Broadband Office (WBO) newsletter and the Extension Community Economic Development newsletter to stay informed. Please share this resource with your county or community’s broadband stakeholders.

Public Comment: Choosing Alternative Broadband Technologies for BEAD

In response to inquiries from states and other stakeholders, the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) is seeking public input on a Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) Alternative Broadband Technology Policy Notice for connecting remote and difficult-to-reach locations with high-speed Internet.

The proposed guidance will outline how states and territories can fund a variety of technologies to serve unserved and underserved locations within their jurisdiction. States must prioritize fiber and other reliable broadband service technologies such as hybrid fiber/coax networks and licensed fixed wireless where fiber isn’t feasible. For the most challenging areas, alternative technologies like unlicensed fixed wireless and low-earth orbit (LEO) satellite broadband may be deployed, provided the service meets speed and latency requirements.

The guidance aims to clarify how states and territories consider projects using these alternative technologies, with public comments due by 11:59 PM ET, September 10, 2024.

BEAD Letter of Intent Period Open

This step is designed for ISPs, Tribal Nations, and select units of government who will be constructing and operating the broadband networks built with the funds. The Letter of Intent (LOI) process opened on August 1 and will determine who is eligible to apply for BEAD grant funds. The LOI is a required prequalification for participation in the BEAD grant program. Those submitting an LOI will be evaluated on technical, financial, managerial, and operational capacity to complete and operate proposed BEAD funded projects.

Deadline to submit: October 1, 1:30 pm Central

Informational Webinar: On August 13, 2024, the Wisconsin Broadband Office hosted an online webinar addressing the LOI phase for interested entities in the BEAD subgrantee selection process. Click here to view the recording (registration required) or here to download the webinar slide deck.

Resources: Letter of Intent Instructions and BEAD Location Estimate Worksheet (you’ll be prompted to download an Excel file)

Webinar: Incentivizing Broadband Projects: Board of Commissioners of Public Lands

On August 15, 2024, the Extension Broadband Team hosted the Chief Investment Officer of the Board of Commissioners of Public Lands (BCPL) during a webinar to introduce participants to the State Trust Fund Loan Program and how it can be used to finance broadband expansion projects in the community.

A link to the recording will be posted on the event website soon, however, in the meantime you can access the webinar presentation slide deck, and BCPL fact sheets on General or Revenue Obligation Loans.

UW-Madison Extension also thanks Monica Treptow from the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction for sharing information about the Common School Funds for School Libraries and their work to close the digital divide in the classroom.

Preparing for Engagement & Endorsement

The Public Service Commission has offered more clarity on the BEAD Engagement and Endorsement process. Last week, the Wisconsin Broadband Office published Engagement and Endorsement scoring criteria, complete with Frequently Asked Questions.

Engagement and Endorsement has the potential to count for up to 12 points in the scoring process. The counties and Tribes can have a major influence in BEAD grant decisions. You can read more in the finalized BEAD Volume 2 document starting on page 32.

Extension staff are working on sample language for an endorsement resolution/letter in consultation with the Wisconsin Counties Association and the Wisconsin Broadband Office. Extension will post the document in our Broadband Toolkit under the “Public-Private Partnerships” section. In the meantime, if you have questions you can always contact our broadband team!

Spring Workshop Resources

Did you attend one of our Spring Workshops? You can find the resources from the workshops at our workshops and webinars page. We keep adding more, so come back or let us know if there is something you are looking for from the workshops that you don’t see in the resources.

Looking for a different resource? Check out the broadband toolkit at

If you’re looking for something that isn’t included in either of those places, contact us!

Funding Opportunities that Promote ‘Internet for All’

Funding OpportunityDeadline
NTIA Digital Equity Competitive Grant – The goal of this program is to fund initiatives that ensure communities have the access and skills to fully participate in the digital world, regardless of their background or circumstances.September 23, 10:59 pm Central
Board of Commissioners of Public Lands Loan Program – For public purpose projects including economic development, local infrastructure, capital equipment & vehicles, building repairs/improvements, and refinancing existing liabilities.Rolling
Lifeline program for providers – eligible telecommunications providers will be reimbursed for discounts provided to consumers through this program.None
Lifeline program for consumers – provides low-income WI residents discounts for the cost of phone, cell, and internet services.None

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