Articles > Business

Business Owners of Color in Wisconsin: Trends & Outcomes


In recent years Wisconsin has seen massive spikes in business ownership among nonwhite entrepreneurs yet the state continues to have an overall low number of businesses owned by people of color. These findings are among those compiled in a new report “Business Owners of Color in Wisconsin: Representation, Profitability, and Growth”. This webinar focuses on the trends and outcomes for business owners of color in Wisconsin.

Webinar Recording

Presentation Notes

Additional Resources

2019 Report on Nonemployer Firms: Based on the 2018 Small Business Credit Survey

Our Presenter

Tessa Conroy

Dr. Tessa Conroy is an Associate Professor of Agricultural & Applied Economics and Economic Development Specialist at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She studies regional economic development with a commitment to developing practical and actionable knowledge for communities in Wisconsin and the rest of the U.S. Dr. Conroy’s research focuses on small business dynamics as a key component of local economic growth, including the factors that drive entrepreneurship and business survival.

Matt Kures

Matt Kures is a Distinguished Community Development Specialist with the Division of Extension’s Community Development Institute. Matt works in partnership with Extension’s statewide network of resources to assist communities and organizations in the areas of regional economic analysis, labor force research, socio-economic impact analysis and industry sector competitiveness.

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