Developing a Survey Questionnaire

April 2022 — Developing a questionnaire includes two things: the individual questions within the questionnaire and the questionnaire itself. We will start with writing individual questions. Writing Good Questions At the most basic level, we have two types of questions: open-ended and closed-ended questions. Open-ended questions allow for qualitative feedback from survey respondents and do not […]

WIndicators Volume 5, Number 1: The Rise Of Entrepreneurship During the Pandemic

Entrepreneurial activity increased sharply in Wisconsin in 2020 and 2021 during the COVID-19 pandemic. Entrepreneurship is a key part of any healthy economy but ensuring that new business activity leads to significant economic impact by creating high quality jobs can be difficult. Communities can take a lead role in a range of strategies that help entrepreneurs grow and be successful to make the most of this opportunity to improve their economies.

Early Care and Education in Wisconsin: Challenges and Opportunities

Summary April 2022 — Dr. Alejandra Ros Pilarz discusses the early care and education landscape in Wisconsin, how it has changed over the past 15 years, and the implications for children and families. She describes the current state of the early care and education workforce, as well as challenges and opportunities for supporting the workforce […]

Sampling Strategies

April 2022 — In survey questionnaires, sampling design refers to the strategy or plan to identify to select a sample. Sampling designs fall into two camps, probability, and non-probability-based sampling designs. Probability-based sampling is defined by all potential respondents (i.e., elements) having an equal chance of selection to participate in the sample. The equal chance of […]

Types of Consumer Surveys

April 2022 — There are four basic ways to survey consumers: mail surveys, telephone surveys, web-based surveys, and intercept (or face-to-face) surveys. Mail Surveys Mail surveys (questionnaires) involve printing and distributing questions to consumers via mail. Use a mail survey if you want to collect comprehensive consumer information. You must keep mail surveys short, or […]

Supporting Entrepreneurship

This section outlines ways to use your market analysis to support entrepreneurship in your downtown or business district.  Entrepreneurship represents the capacity and willingness of an individual(s) to undertake a venture, with its risks, in an effort to achieve a profit. Entrepreneurship has always been important to downtowns and business districts, serving as a catalyst for business formation and its positive ripple-effect in the local economy.

Office Space

April 2022 — Downtown office space is connected to the success of service businesses, housing, entertainment, and plays an important role in promoting a healthy community where people can live, work, and play. Office space is a significant component of a healthy downtown because it generates employment and daytime activity, which supports other downtown businesses […]

Retail & Service

April 2022 — This section provides techniques for identifying market opportunities for selected retail and service retail business categories. It examines business opportunities in terms of number of businesses the market could bear, total sales, and square feet of occupied business space. Other more qualitative and equally important market considerations are also discussed in this […]

Peer Community Comparison

April 2022 — Connecting with different communities is a unique opportunity to build networks, celebrate downtown successes, and exchange relevant and effective ideas learned from other places. Peer Community Comparisons are an opportunity to discuss the hopes and needs of each community and learn what was, or will be needed to implement change. These discussions […]

Consumer Survey

April 2022 — A market analysis should include local survey research to fully understand the uniqueness of your particular market and its consumers. Consumer surveys can provide information on when, where, why, how, and for what people shop, dine, live, work, and recreate. They can reveal attitudes toward your downtown and how those attitudes affect […]

Business Owners Survey

April 2022 — A business owner survey is an important means to engage the business community in the market analysis process. It invites business owners to share their perspectives regarding the current and future economic health of a downtown or other business district. A survey also yields essential information on individual business needs and opportunities–information […]

Niche Development

March 2022 — A niche is a specialization that allows a downtown to gain dominance in certain categories of retail and service businesses.  Market analysis recommendations should include possible niche opportunities based on the data collected and analyzed throughout this study. Successful communities often have two or three successful niches. These communities also benefit from an […]

Support Extension