February 2019 — The relationship between the diversity of a regional economy and economic growth, stability, and resiliency has been at the center of a large academic literature for over 70 years. Drawing on the idea that a diversified portfolio of investments (e.g. stocks, bonds, etc.) can minimize risk and foster sustainable returns (growth) many […]
December 2018 — With unemployment rates at historical lows and many employers having difficulty finding workers to fill their open positions, policymakers and employers alike are looking for available labor. In Wisconsin, the labor force participation rate is already well above the national average. Given the age structure and historical trends identified by Kures, Deller, […]
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY November 2018 — If the vision for Wisconsin’s future economy is one of competitive wages, innovative industry, and an entrepreneurial culture, then there are challenges on the horizon. From the perspective of developing an educated labor force that supports both innovation and entrepreneurship, the metrics presented in this report are troubling. The education […]
October 2018 — The importance of small business development and entrepreneurship to the future health of the economy is becoming more widely understood and accepted across Wisconsin. Wisconsin focused research (Conroy and Deller 2015a) has documented that nearly all of the net job growth (expansions minus contractions) comes from start-up businesses, which tend to be […]
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY August 2018 — The analysis presented in this report uses two types of comparisons to evaluate job creation and job loss in Wisconsin. First, we consider trends over time by comparing the most recent years available, 2012 or 2013 depending on the data source, with 2000 and 2009. The year 2000 is useful […]
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY August 2018 — For updated Trade Area Analysis (TAA) of Wisconsin counties we use the sales tax data as reported by the Wisconsin Department of Revenue for 2017. Only those counties that have elected to collect the optional county sales tax are included in the analysis. Because sales tax data are used one […]
July 2018 — As Wisconsin’s unemployment rate moves to record lows, many companies have expressed frustration that they cannot find the workers they need. Some employers, workforce development organizations and policy makers attribute the lack of suitable employees to issues surrounding labor quality. Specifically, potential workers may not have the specific skills desired by employees […]
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY July 2018 — Since the start of the Great Recession, the death rate of Wisconsin businesses with employees (i.e. employer businesses) has outpaced the startup rate. As a result, after almost three decades of growth, the number of businesses with employees in Wisconsin started to decline in 2007.New employer businesses are a critical […]
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY June 2018 — Women as business owners may be an underutilized resource for economic development and growth. Policies aimed at equitably enhancing business ownership should consider the unique nature of women-owned and managed businesses. These policies should reflect the unique manner in which women approach entrepreneurship. In 2011, women-owned or managed nearly 19% […]
“So unorthodox is the latest batch of demands, introduced only during the latest round of talks, that some question whether the Trump administration is negotiating in good faith. Mr Lighthizer claims to be trying to please only his boss, Mr Trump. But Congress must pass the final deal. This is topsy-turvy. Normally, in America’s trade […]
March 2018 — In Wisconsin, the labor market has been the focus of recent public and political discourse, with many perceiving a labor shortage. Often these discussions focus on the experience voiced by employers throughout the state. While the frustration of employers trying to hire workers is an important sign that there could be a […]
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY February 2018 — For state and local organizations that incorporate business recruitment and retention into their economic development strategies understanding business migration is important. Regions often compete to have businesses relocate in their community with the goal to increase job and income growth. Economic development resources are devoted to incentive packages that can […]